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Permanent and temporary customs clearance, ATA carnets and customs bonds – a lot of work for inexperienced people, but for us as trade fair logistics specialists it is daily business

While the implementation regulations for the customs authorities for trade fair shipments within the European Union are at least uniformly regulated, the forwarding of trade fair goods to so-called third countries is a science in itself.

Because there the regulations of the respective destination countries differ massively from one another. In order to ensure that the transport of your stand construction elements, advertising material and your exhibits runs smoothly, it is therefore of great importance to take the respective characteristics into account and to initiate the appropriate measures for permanent and especially temporary customs clearance in good time and correctly. But don’t worry, we’ll do it for you.

Which exhibition goods have to be customs cleared temporarily and which permanently?

One of the important distinctions that we make right at the beginning is that between permanent and temporary customs clearance. That means, we clarify the question of what should stay in the target country permanently and what should be transported back to you afterwards or on to the next trade fair. Here we apply for different customs procedures.

Goods that are usually subject to permanent customs clearance include everything that remains in the destination country. This means that if we deliver catalogs, brochures, advertising material and consumables to your exhibition venue for you, it can be assumed that these goods will be used on site and, so to speak, consumed. These goods must therefore be permanently cleared.

Goods that have to be brought back to you after the trade fair or, for example, to the next trade fair in another country are to be temporarily declared. So everything that should only stay temporarily in the country in which your current trade fair is taking place. Here, too, we take care of all the formalities for you. In countries that have joined the Carnet ATA procedure, this international customs permit can be used for goods that are to be imported temporarily, which simplifies processing.

Carnet ATA – the international customs pass for temporarily duty-free imports especially for trade fairs

An ATA Carnet or A.T.A. Carnet (Admission Temporaire / Temporary Admission) is a document recognized by numerous countries that enables simplified customs clearance for the temporary importation of goods. The ATA countries also include all states of the European Union. German customs define the main area of application of the ATA Carnet as trade fairs with international participation.

While a clearance for temporary so-called duty-free import into the issuing country is only possible with the deposit of the import duties in full in cash and cannot be done informally, ”this procedure is considerably simplified and standardized by ATA Carnet, and complex clearance steps, such as determining the amount the possible import duties or the deposit of the security in the local currency are avoided.

Instead of individual national documents, it can be used for import, export or transit as well as for re-export or re-import”, summarizes the German customs. ”Through an international chain of guarantees, the security (prerequisite for the procedure) applies with a one-off payment as deposited in each country of use. Another advantage is the speedy border clearance. The processing is often simplified with the standardized form.”

Compared to imports using a commercial invoice, there is no need to pay customs security when importing using an ATA Carnet. You benefit from this especially if the value of the imported goods is high, like that of your exhibits.
For some countries, however, there are also special ATA Carnet regulations that we are familiar with. And you don’t need to worry about that yourself, we will arrange everything that is necessary.

Customs bond as an important instrument for a smooth process at customs without immediate payment obligations

In many cases we can provide you with a customs bond. Because normally a so-called customs debt arises when goods are placed under a customs procedure. The consequence is that the goods can only be handed over to the declarant when the corresponding debt has been paid or a corresponding security has been provided.

However, under certain circumstances, the knowledge of which is part of our daily business, it is possible that payment will be granted. This is also possible with the forwarding agent and depends on a security deposit. This means that we prevent you from having to pay customs duties during the clearance for products that you want to sell at a trade fair and whose sale may still be uncertain at this point in time. If goods are not sold, there are no customs duties, which would then have to be reimbursed later at great expense.

Only in the event of an actual sale at a later date will the importer collect the customs duties included in the sales price and transfer them to the customs administration. Details that we will of course inform you about, but which we will take care of as part of the trade fair logistics.

As part of the trade fair logistics, we also take care of all customs clearance for you, including permanent and temporary customs clearance, ATA carnets and customs bonds. When does your trade fair start?

We give everything for your success – contact us now


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Telefax: +49 7485 9987929

Email: hello@expologistik.com

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